O pai de Romney, Governador da Michigan:
George, not Mitt. The Republican governor of Michigan was destroyed by the party elite--who nominated Nixon--for his statement on military lying and the invasion of Vietnam:
"On August 31, 1967, Governor Romney made a statement that ruined his chances for getting the nomination.[4]
In a taped interview with Lou Gordon of WKBD-TV in Detroit, Romney stated, 'When I came back from Viet Nam [in November 1965], I'd just had the greatest brainwashing that anybody can get.'
He then shifted to opposing the war: 'I no longer believe that it was necessary for us to get involved in South Vietnam to stop Communist aggression in Southeast Asia,' he declared. Decrying the 'tragic' conflict, he urged 'a sound peace in South Vietnam at an early time.' Thus Romney disavowed the war and reversed himself from his earlier stated belief that the war was 'morally right and necessary.'" (Thanks to Ken Langston.)
PS: E isto, meus senhores, é a prova de bom conservadorismo (e cristianismo).
Bombardear populações civis com Napalm (morreram perto de1 Milhão de civis ... podemos juntar o efeito Cambodja...ele próprio unintended consequences dos bombardeamentos secretos e ilegais/inconstitucionais...genocídio que foi depois parado pelos... Vienamitas comunistas) para depois ver errada a desculpa histérica sobre a "teoria do dominó" e ainda assim glorificar o "Vietname" é própria de "Humanitarians with a Guilhotine".
Talvez por isso foi mais uma guerra Democrata e acabada por um Republicano.
Republicanos "à Michael Moore"
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